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China customs regulations

It is important to know about customs regulations before traveling to China to avoid legal issues and potential fines. As you know, customs regulations widely depend on the country. Before traveling to (or from) China make sure to check the allowance and limits for the next things:

  • Alcohol and tobacco
  • Currency
  • Medicines (especially those containing drugs)
  • Animals
  • Cultural artifacts
  • Plants, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products

Check the information below to be sure that you are complying with China customs regulations.

Import regulations in China

Duty-free allowance

Tobacco limit

Restricted to travellers 16 years and over. All of the following:

  • 400 cigarettes;
  • 100 cigars;
  • and 500g tobacco.

Bringing alcohol

  • Restricted to travellers 16 years and over;
  • Up to 1.5 litres of alcohol containing 12% or higher alcohol volume.

Cash limit

  • Travellers may import up to RMB20,000 of local currency.
  • Travellers wishing to import US$5000 or over or its equivalent in a foreign currency must declare it to customs.

Other Goods

  • Chinese residents may carry personal gifts and effects up to a value of RMB5000.
  • Non-Chinese residents may carry personal items to remain in China up to a value of RMB2000.

Prohibited items

The following are goods which cannot be brought into the country.

  • Arms, ammunition, and explosives of all kinds.
  • Counterfeit currencies and negotiable securities.
  • Printed matter, films, photographs, and other media which are detrimental to the political, economic, cultural, and moral interests of China.
  • Deadly poisons of all kinds.
  • Addictive drugs and psychotropic substances, such as opium, heroin, morphine, and marijuana.
  • Foodstuff coming from an epidemic stricken area which may be harmful to humans and livestock.

Restricted items

These goods are strictly regulated, and in most cases require a permit to be obtained prior to arrival.

  • Animals, plants, and their derivative products must be declared, and are subject to restrictions and quarantine upon arrival.
  • Radio transmitters, radio receivers, and communication security equipment must be declared upon arrival.
  • Goods of commercial value, samples, and advertisements.

Information has been updated: .