Knowing export rules is crucial for all travelers, even if you're not traveling for business. While many focus on import regulations, export rules are equally important and can differ significantly.
Export rules govern what you can and cannot take with you when leaving Poland. Before leaving Poland make sure to check the allowance and limits for the next things:
- Alcohol and tobacco
- Currency
- Cultural artifacts
- Plants, fruits, vegetables and other agricultural products
Check the information below to be sure that you are complying with Poland customs regulations. If you are looking for the import rules visit the Import regulations page.
Export regulations in Poland
Items Free to Export
- No restriction on the quantity and value of exported items when leaving for a country outside the EU.
Prohibited Items
The following are goods which cannot be taken out of the country:
- All items on the prohibited import list.
Restricted Items
These goods are strictly regulated, and in most cases require a permit to be obtained prior to departure:
- There are no restrictions on the export of currency if leaving for another EU country. Funds of more than EUR 10,000 must be declared when leaving the EU.
- Protected species and products protected under CITES. A permit is required for export.
- Cultural goods may require a licence for export. For further information, please visit The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
For further information, please visit Polish Customs, and the European Commission Taxation and Customs Union.
Information has been updated: .